
NASA Photo ID: Title:

AS12-46-6729 image text Astronaut Alan Bean steps from ladder of Lunar Module for EVA

AS12-46-6749 image text Astronaut Alan Bean works on Modular Equipment Stowage Assembly

AS12-46-6807 image text Astronaut Alan Bean with subpackages of the ALSEP during EVA

AS12-46-6813 image text Astronaut Alan Bean deploys Lunar Surface Magnetometer on lunar surface

AS12-46-6817 image text View of Central Station for the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package

AS12-47-6891 image text Earth rises above the lunar horizon as seen from Apollo 12 in lunar orbit

AS12-47-6897 image text Apollo 12 astronaut stands beside United States flag after is was unfurled

AS12-47-6913 image text Astronaut Charles Conrad uses lunar equipment conveyer at Lunar Module

AS12-47-6919 image text Astronaut Alan Bean deploys ALSEP during first Apollo 12 EVA on moon

AS12-47-6921 image text Astronaut Charles Conrad aligns antenna on Central Station for ALSEP

AS12-47-6932 image text Close-up view of set of tongs being used to pick up lunar samples

AS12-47-6988 image text Astronaut Charles Conrad stands at Modular Equipment Stowage Assemble

AS12-47-7007 image text Photograph of core tube with extension handle driven into lunar soil

AS12-48-7090 image text View of Surveyor III in its crater

AS12-48-7121 image text View of Surveyor III in its crater

AS12-48-7133 image text View of two U.S. spacecraft on the surface of the moon

AS12-48-7149 image text Astronaut Charles Conrad during extravehicular activity on lunar surface

AS12-49-7278 image text Astronaut Alan Bean holds Special Environmental Sample Container

AS12-49-7286 image text Astronaut Alan Bean drives core sample tube into lunar surface

AS12-49-7318 image text Apollo 12 crewman with tools and carrier of Apollo Lunar Hand Tools

AS12-50-7325 image text View of the Earth seen from the Apollo 12 spacecraft

AS12-50-7328 image text Apollo 12 Lunar Module pictured as seen from Apollo 12 command/service module

AS12-50-7362 image text View of the Earth seen from the Apollo 12 spacecraft

AS12-50-7431 image text Oblique view looking toward southeast shows highland area crater Ptolemaeus

AS12-50-7438 image text Vertical view of crater Gambart taken by Apollo 12

AS12-51-7507 image text Apollo 12 Lunar Module, in landing configuration, photographed in lunar orbit

AS12-51-7541 image text Oblique view of crater Copernicus on lunar near side

AS12-57-8448 image text Apollo 12 stereo view of lunar surface upon which astronaut had stepped

AS12-57-8452 image text Apollo 12 stereo view of lunar surface

AS12-57-8455 image text Apollo 12 stereo view of lunar surface

S69-22265 image text Astronaut Alan Bean assisted with egressing command module after landing

S69-22271 image text Navy swimmer assists Apollo 12 crew during recovery operations

S69-22728 image text Apollo 12 Command Module nears splashdown in the Pacific Ocean

S69-22849 image text U.S.S. Hornet crewmen greeted by crew of Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-22876 image text Apollo 12 crew welcomed aboard U.S.S. Hornet by Rear Admiral Donald David

S69-22897 image text U.S.S. Hornet moves toward the Apollo 12 Command Module to retrieve it

S69-23807 image text View of Apollo 12 lunar sample no. 12025, called Core Sample 1

S69-38852 image text Portrait of Apollo 12 Prime Crew

S69-38859 image text Portrait of Astronaut Alan L. Bean

S69-38862 image text Portrait of Astronaut Richard F. Gordon Jr.

S69-38866 image text Portrait of Astronaut Charles Conrad Jr.

S69-39262 image text Lunar Module 6 being moved to integration work stand

S69-39323 image text Apollo 12 spacecraft arrives at VAB during preflight preparations

S69-51299 image text Ground level view of Launch Complex 39 and Apollo 12 spacecraft

S69-51308 image text High-angle view of Launch Complex 39 and Apollo 12 spacecraft

S69-51309 image text High-angle view of Launch Complex 39 and Apollo 12 spacecraft

S69-52336 image text Official insignia of Apollo 12

S69-52980 image text Apollo 12 crewment briefed in preparation for water egress training

S69-52984 image text Apollo 12 crewmen participate in water egress training

S69-52990 image text Apollo 12 crewmen participate in water egress training

S69-53326 image text View of replica of plaque Apollo 12 astronauts will leave on the Moon

S69-53716 image text Apollo 12 prime crew during spacecraft checkout at Rockwell Downey

S69-54147 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers participate in lunar surface extravehicular simulations

S69-54148 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers participate in lunar surface extravehicular simulations

S69-54412 image text Apollo 12 crew during preflight news conference

S69-54553 image text Photograph of possible Apollo 12 lunar landing site in the Sea of Storms

S69-55362 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers participate in lunar surface extravehicular simulations

S69-55367 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers participate in lunar surface extravehicular simulations

S69-55368 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers participate in lunar surface extravehicular simulations

S69-55553 image text Artist's concept of Surveyor III resting in the Ocean of Storms

S69-55662 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers during geological field trip

S69-55667 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers during geological field trip

S69-56058 image text Astronaut Charles Conrad sits in cockpit of Lunar Landing Training Vehicle

S69-56059 image text Astronaut Alan Bean participates in lunar surface simulation

S69-56596 image text Nighttime, ground level view of Launch Complex 39 and Apollo 12 spacecraft

S69-56699 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers shown in Apollo Lunar Module Mission Simulator

S69-56700 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers shown in Apollo Lunar Module Mission Simulator

S69-56702 image text Astronaut Richard Gordon participates in simulation training

S69-57076 image text Photograph of prime Apollo 12 lunar landing site

S69-57219 image text Modified camera selected for use on Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-58005 image text Artist's concept of Apollo 12 Command Module's interior

S69-58564 image text Launch of the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-58879 image text Launch of the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-58880 image text Astronaut Alan Bean suits up during Apollo 12 prelaunch countdown

S69-58881 image text Apollo 12 crewmem leave Operations Building for Launch pad

S69-58882 image text Astronaut Richard F. Gordon suits up during Apollo 12 prelaunch countdown

S69-58883 image text Launch of the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-58884 image text Launch of the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-58885 image text White room atop Pad A, Launch Complex 39 during insertion of Apollo 12 crew

S69-59525 image text Activity in Mission Control Center during Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-59538 image text Apollo 12 EVA 2 traverse overlay

S69-59547 image text Seismometer reading from impact made by Lunar Module ascent stage

S69-60068 image text Lightning bolt during the launch of the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-60229 image text Arrival of the first Apollo 12 lunar sample return container

S69-60354 image text Rock sample brought to earth from the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-60424 image text Rock sample brought to earth from the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-60580 image text Rock sample brought to earth from the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-60759 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers greeted by family on arrival at Ellington

S69-60760 image text Apollo 12 crewmembers greeted by family on arrival at Ellington

S69-60881 image text Rock sample brought to earth from the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-60909 image text Rock sample brought to earth from the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission

S69-62884 image text Astronaut Charles Conrad during ceremonies after release from quarantine

S69-63216 image text Inoculation testing of Apollo 12 materials

S69-63443 image text Thin section of rock brought back to earth by Apollo 12 mission

S70-20954 image text Thin section of rock brought back to earth by Apollo 12 mission

S70-21481 image text Radish plant exposed to lunar material collected on the Apollo 12 mission

S80-37406 image text Apollo 12 view of Solar Eclipse

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